The first step for any successful project is the research process. Anyone hoping to create a successful project will spend an ample amount of time researching the topic of their choice. It is important to find both primary source material (documents created during the time period you are focusing on), and secondary source material (scholarly work that discusses your topic). Instead of going out and looking for exactly the source material you want to find, it is vital at this point in the process to simply gather as much material as you can and let the sources guide the project, rather than the other way around. On this page, you can find all of the primary source material that I used during the formulation of my thesis. Some of these sources were used in the project, and some were not. However, each one of them represents a step in my personal journey to completing a Master’s degree in history. As you can see here, I originally wanted to create a project that had something to do with tattooing. But, in the end, tattooing was barely even mentioned in my final project. Nevertheless, the following links will allow you to view the source material yourself and come up with your own assessment of my source material.

*Disclaimer* the titles of the links to newspapers sources here are unfiltered copies of how I saved them to my computer. Each title is a quick summary of whatever I found important in the article. Some of the titles are problematic, for example, “Filipinos are savages,” however, the reason I saved the titles that way was because that statement was why I intended to use that article.
